Toriality's Blog

Main Page


June 3, 2024 at 8:53 PM


July 16, 2024 at 9:33 PM

About me

Hello, my name is Pedro, I'm also known as Toriality, welcome to my blog.

I'm a 23y programmer that lives in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, and sometimes I also make music and write about random stuff I find interesting. I graduated in Information Systems form Universidade Estácio de Sá. I'm particularly more experienced in Web Development, specialized with React and Next.js frameworks.

For a complete list of my projects you can visit my GitHub profile, or you can take a look at my portfolio. You can also find me on social medias, most of them using the @toriality or @toriality1 tags, but I'm rarely active in these platforms.

This blog

Well, this blog is just a place I use to share my thoughts, reflect about stuff that happens in my life, review games and other medias, and try to improve my writing and english skills. This is more like a private space that I write for myself, but I'd be happy to know if any of those random posts get your interest, made you learn something new, or just made your day a bit better, if so, feel free to use the Comments section :)

That's all!

You can also visit the What's up blog post to see what I'm currently working on and the most recent stuff I've played, watched, and more.

Lastly, you might come across some grammar errors, or wrong information in the posts. You also may have an idea, a suggestion, for a game, book, music, movie or anything that you'd like to share with me, I'll be happy to hear from you and discover new stuff. So feel free to give any kind of feedback and suggestions in the Comments section, or by sending me an email. Thanks for reading my blog!